Monday, April 21, 2014

Going Bananas

Does anyone else spell the word banana and have that Gwen Stefani song play in their head? No? Just me?
Anyway... that's what I want to talk about in this post, bananas. Mainly the shampoo and conditioner from The Body Shop which uses actual, real life ripe banana puree and fair trade honey and smells good enough to eat (though don't do that, you'll be severely disappointed).

They're both a thick, yellow cremes that are easy to spread through your hair, with the conditioner being slightly brighter in color than the shampoo. The shampoo gives a nice lather and both have a dominantly banana smell, with the sweetness of the honey coming through. They are nice for daily use in the shower, leaving my hair soft and rather moisturized and my shower smells like an amazing tropical paradise-all I needed was the umbrella drink.
Sadly I had to leave paradise behind when I stepped out of my bathroom. My hair still smelled good but you wouldn't identify it right away as banana, just sweetly fruity. I think if you have a thing for bananas, want a good daily use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and spot them on sale at (like they are now with 40% off sitewide) you'll be happy that you did.

1 comment:

  1. B A N A N A S!!!!!!!!!!! *spelled in Gwen Stefani's voice*
